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Three Reasons To Have A Fall Wedding
Fall is a wonderful time to have a wedding. There are many reasons to have a fall wedding, and the reasons will vary from one person to another. So, these three might not be your three, but as a photographer, I think fall is a very beautiful time to have a wedding. First of all you are going to get great photos with the beautiful fall colors. The second reason is that people have settled down from the summer activities like vacations, and back to school, and so your friends will more likely be available. The third reason is that fall weddings are not as popular as Spring weddings, so chances are you might be able to get better rates on local venues, and other services. Feel free to comment and add share other reasons you think a fall wedding is a great idea.
Remember to visit us at milepostsproductions.com Anthony "Tony" Headlam's Homegoing - PhotosAnthony "Tony" Headlam passed on from labor to rest in Brooklyn, New York. His homegoing service was held over two days in Brooklyn, New York. The turnout was very big. He was laid to rest at Cypress Hills Cemetery. The service was held at Union United Methodist Church in Crown Heights. Graduation Class of 2015Congratulations to the Class of 2015. There are graduations happening everyday and everywhere. May is usually colleges with June for high schools and elementary schools. As a photographer, it is an exciting time and it is a challenging time. Interesting because there are so many emotions at the graduation. It is a big event. The characters are the graduates, their families who sacrificed to get them through college and the friends they made along the way. As a photographer, I just love the energy. Graduation is also challenging for the photographer. The challenge is on two levels. One is the crowd noise and the other is getting close enough to get a stage photograph or even a seated photograph. The last graduation I covered was Monday at the Prudential Center in New Jersey. It was a challenge. The graduates never had enough space to enjoy their time on the stage, the names were called in quick succession and there was a line of graduates on the stage. Each graduate should be allowed their space on the stage as they receive their degree. So, that brings me to the one tip I want to leave graduates and parents when it comes to graduations. Bring your own photographer. Hire your own personal photographer because the photographs that you really want are the ones with your family and friends after the graduation is over. Colleges and Universities hire big companies to do the official photographs and families cannot get anywhere close to the stage to get a good photo of their graduate. Furthermore, do you really need 20 wallet size photographs of one pose? What about the family and friends?
SPRING SPECIALSSpring is finally here, if only on the calendar. Nevertheless, it is a great time to get a fresh portrait. Chances are you have a new hairstyle, you have put away the dark colors of winter, and you are ready to strut your stuff. Well, the timing is right. Mileposts Productions is offering SPRING PORTRAIT SPECIALS. Follow me on Facebook and book your session now. All the details will be provided once you contact us. As a bonus, our make-up artist will also provide make up using Mary Kay Cosmetics. Enjoy your Spring Fling!